Sunday, 12 July 2015

Happy Sunday!

Ihanan viikon ja viikonlopun jälkeen päätin käyttää sateisen sunnuntain uuden blogimateriaalin tekoon. Viikonloppu meni todella vauhdikkaasti ensin työkavereiden ja sitten opiskelukavereiden kanssa loistavassa seurassa! Tässä jakoon muutamia kesäisiä kuvia viikon varrelta. Kuullaan pian, kiitoksia tuestanne ja ihanista tsemppiviesteistä ja rentouttavaa sunnuntaita!

This week has been quite amazing and I really need to thank all of you for your support and lovely comments. This weekend has been perfect as well. I have celebrated with my work mates the first days of their summer vacations and yesterday we had a party dinner with my friend because I got so many new readers for my blog!! It is raining today so I'm doing some new blog material for you guys... ;) But first some summery snapshots from last week. Happy Sunday!! ♡ ♡ ♡ 

Partly cloudy day in Espoo but the weather was quite good for boating anyway. The other photos have been taken in sunny Turku a week ago. The roads were quite empty there because of Ruisrock music festivals.

I reorganized all the application icons in my iPhone and now the first sheet is so delicate thanks to the most colorful icons :D 

I found this baby blue silk blouse from Zara's mid season sale. It is perfect for my office look with a with pencil skirt!

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